πŸ”’Creating Your Own API

You can use the Petal Pro API for user management (register, sign in and update). It comes with OpenAPI support out of the box.

General Information

For general information about the Petal Pro API:

Using the Swagger UI

You can see OpenAPI in action if you navigate to the Swagger interface:


To make an API call:

  1. Expand a route (e.g. /api/register)

  2. Click the "Try it out" button

  3. Fill out the appropriate parameter/request fields

  4. Click "Execute"

  5. Check the Server Response for output

Some routes are protected - calling these routes without an authenticated user will result in an :unauthorized response.

To authenticate a user:

  1. Follow the steps (above) to execute the /api/sign-in API call (you'll be asked to provide an email and a password)

  2. In the response body, copy the value of the token property

  3. Go to the top of the page and click the "Authorize" button

  4. Paste the bearer token into the "Value" input and click "Authorize" again

While the bearer token is valid, protected routes will provide a response other than :unauthorized. By default, the bearer token will be valid for the period of thirty days

Generating the Open API Spec

You can generate an openapi.json file with the following mix command:

mix openapi.spec.json --spec PetalProApi.ApiSpec

Alternatively, if you navigate to the Swagger UI, you can click the link under the "Petal Pro API" heading. The contents of the .json file will be displayed in the browser. Use the browsers "Save As..." feature to save the file to local storage.

Extending the API

Say you want to add an API call that returns a list of Organisations for a user. The following is an example of how this might be achieved

Create the API Code

First, create the API controller lib/petal_pro_api/controllers/membership_controller.ex:

defmodule PetalProApi.MembershipController do
  use PetalProWeb, :controller
  alias PetalPro.Accounts
  alias PetalPro.Orgs

  action_fallback PetalProWeb.FallbackController

  def list(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    user = Accounts.get_user!(id)

    with orgs <- Orgs.list_orgs(user) do
      org_names = Enum.map(orgs, fn x -> x.name end)

      json(conn, org_names)

Then create the related unit test /test/petal_pro_api/membership_controller_test.exs:

defmodule PetalProApi.MembershipControllerTest do
  use PetalProWeb.ConnCase

  setup %{conn: conn} do
    user = PetalPro.AccountsFixtures.confirmed_user_fixture()
    org = PetalPro.OrgsFixtures.org_fixture(user)
    membership = PetalPro.Orgs.get_membership!(user, org.slug)

     conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "application/json"),
     user: user,
     org: org,
     membership: membership}

  describe "list" do
    test "list organisations", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
      conn = get(conn, ~p"/api/user/#{user.id}/orgs")

      assert orgs = json_response(conn, 200)
      assert Enum.count(orgs) > 0

Finally, for the test to work, you need to add the following line to /lib/petal_pro_api/routes.ex:

  # Scope statement at line 27:
  scope "/api", PetalProApi do
    pipe_through [:api, :api_authenticated]

    get "/user/:id", ProfileController, :show
    patch "/user/:id/update", ProfileController, :update_profile
    post "/user/:id/request-new-email", ProfileController, :request_new_email
    post "/user/:id/change-password", ProfileController, :change_password

    # Add this line...
    get "/user/:id/orgs", MembershipController, :list

But if you run the test...

mix test test/petal_pro_api/membership_controller_test.exs

...it won't pass:

Compiling 2 files (.ex)

  1) test list list organisations (PetalProApi.MembershipControllerTest)
     ** (RuntimeError) expected response with status 200, got: 401, with body:
     code: assert orgs = json_response(conn, 200)
       (phoenix 1.7.6) lib/phoenix/test/conn_test.ex:373: Phoenix.ConnTest.response/2
       (phoenix 1.7.6) lib/phoenix/test/conn_test.ex:419: Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response/2
       test/petal_pro_api/membership_controller_test.exs:20: (test)

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
1 test, 1 failure

That's because the route has been placed it in a scope that pipes through :api_authenticated:

scope "/api", PetalProApi do
  pipe_through [:api, :api_authenticated]


  get "/user/:id/orgs", MembershipController, :list

Adjusting for Authentication

Adding put_bearer_token to the "list organisations" test in membership_controllers_test.exs will address the issue:

test "list organisations", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
  conn =
    |> put_bearer_token(user)
    |> get(~p"/api/user/#{user.id}/orgs")

  assert orgs = json_response(conn, 200)
  assert Enum.count(orgs) > 0

put_bearer_token is a helper function that can be found in /test/support/conn_case.ex. It will generate a bearer token for user and inject an authorization header into the conn object. The :api_authenticated pipeline will use this header to check validity of the bearer token.

If you run the test again, this time the user will be authenticated and it will pass!

user@host petal_pro % mix test test/petal_pro_api/membership_controller_test.exs

Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.00s async, 0.2s sync)
1 test, 0 failures

However, now is a good time to think about access control (authorisation). Let's assume users should only retrieve Organisations for themselves (but admin users can retrieve Organisations for any user). Copying the code that's in profile_controller.ex, you can add the match_current_user plug to membership_controller.ex:

defmodule PetalProApi.MembershipController do
  use PetalProWeb, :controller
  alias PetalPro.Accounts
  alias PetalPro.Orgs

  action_fallback PetalProWeb.FallbackController

  plug :match_current_user

  def list(conn, _params) do
    user = conn.assigns.user

    with orgs <- Orgs.list_orgs(user) do
      org_names = Enum.map(orgs, fn x -> x.name end)

      json(conn, org_names)

  def match_current_user(conn, _params) do
    user_id = String.to_integer(conn.params["id"])
    user = Accounts.get_user!(user_id)

    current_user = conn.assigns.current_user

    if !current_user.is_admin && current_user.id != user_id do
      |> put_status(:forbidden)
      |> put_view(html: PetalProWeb.ErrorHTML, json: PetalProWeb.ErrorJSON)
      |> render(:"403")
      |> halt()
      assign(conn, :user, user)

Note that the list function has changed - it assumes the user assign has been set

The match_current_user plug checks the current authenticated user. If the user requested is the current user or the current user is an admin, then the user assigns is set. Otherwise HTTP error 403 (:forbidden) is returned (preventing further execution).

To double check that your code is working properly, add two tests to membership_controller_test.exs:

defmodule PetalProApi.MembershipControllerTest do
  use PetalProWeb.ConnCase

  setup %{conn: conn} do
    user = PetalPro.AccountsFixtures.confirmed_user_fixture()
    other_user = PetalPro.AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
    admin_user = PetalPro.AccountsFixtures.admin_fixture(%{is_admin: true})
    org = PetalPro.OrgsFixtures.org_fixture(user)
    membership = PetalPro.Orgs.get_membership!(user, org.slug)

     conn: put_req_header(conn, "accept", "application/json"),
     user: user,
     other_user: other_user,
     admin_user: admin_user,
     org: org,
     membership: membership}

  describe "list" do

    # Two new tests...
    test "can't list organisations for other user", %{
      conn: conn,
      user: user,
      other_user: other_user
    } do
      conn =
        |> put_bearer_token(user)
        |> get(~p"/api/user/#{other_user.id}/orgs")

      assert json_response(conn, 403)

    test "admin can list organisations for other user", %{
      conn: conn,
      admin_user: admin_user,
      other_user: other_user
    } do
      conn =
        |> put_bearer_token(admin_user)
        |> get(~p"/api/user/#{other_user.id}")

      assert json_response(conn, 200)

Note that other_user and admin_user have been added to the setup function

If you run mix test again, then all three unit tests should pass:

user@host petal_pro % mix test test/petal_pro_api/membership_controller_test.exs

Finished in 0.3 seconds (0.00s async, 0.3s sync)
3 tests, 0 failures

OpenAPI Specification

Great! Your new API call is fully operational. However, it won't be added to the Open API spec automatically. To do this, you add meta data to the API function using OpenApiSpex.

In membership_controller.ex add the following:

defmodule PetalProApi.MembershipController do
  use PetalProWeb, :controller

  # Add these lines
  use OpenApiSpex.ControllerSpecs
  alias OpenApiSpex.Reference
  alias PetalProApi.Schemas


  plug :match_current_user

  # Add these lines too
  tags ["membership"]
  security [%{"authorization" => []}]



The tags call is used to group API calls together in your Open API definition. In the SwaggerUI page, this will be used as a group heading.

The security call let's Open API know that all API calls in this file are protected by authentication. In the Swagger UI, routes that have been marked with the security function will be displayed with a padlock.

NB - The "authorization" string is a reference to a securitySchemes setting that's in /lib/petal_pro_api/api_spec.ex. Open API supports multiple authentication schemes. But for the purposes of this example, "authorization" refers to the bearer/header token mechanism that has been setup with phx.gen.auth.

Next, you need to define an Open API Operation for the :list function call in membership_controller.ex:

operation :list,
  summary: "List organisations",
  description: "List organisations for user",
  parameters: [
    id: [in: :path, name: "id", type: :integer]
  responses: [
    ok: {"Organisations", "application/json", Schemas.OrganisationNames},
    unauthorized: %Reference{"$ref": "#/components/responses/unauthorised"},
    forbidden: %Reference{"$ref": "#/components/responses/forbidden"}

def list(conn, _params) do

There's a lot going on here! Let's step through the various parts of the operation:

  • :list refers to the list method (underneath)

  • summary and description are a short and long descriptions (respectively)

  • parameters defines any variable that may be defined in the url

  • responses is the list of possible outcomes after the function has been called

An operation defines the list of expected inputs and outputs. Which is great for generating code/documentation (e.g. for the Swagger UI). In particular, there are three possible outcomes in the above definition:

  • :ok - when the call is successful, then the output will be a list of Organisation names. This is defined by the OrganisationNames schema. There's more on the schema (below)

  • :unauthorized - a common response that's defined in the api_spec.ex file

  • :forbidden - also defined in api_spec.ex

To round out the Open API definition, we need to add the following Schema to /lib/petal_pro_api/schemas.ex:

defmodule OrganisationNames do
    title: "OrganisationNames",
    description: "List of organisation names for a user",
    type: :array,
    items: %Schema{description: "name", type: :string},
    example: ["Mayfield Columbus", "Tracking Bronze"]

This defines an array of type "string". The purpose of the schema is to define the output of a valid response - users can discover the format of the response via the Swagger UI.

Accessing the API

The new API call should now be available! To view the Swagger UI, run the Phoenix server:

mix phx.server

Then navigate to the Swagger interface:


See the Using the Swagger UI section (at the top of this README) to learn more about making API calls

Last updated