

mix petal.gen.live

This produces the same files as Phoenix's mix phx.gen.live (docs). The only difference is that the templates use Tailwind and Petal Components. You can try it out with:

mix petal.gen.live Todos Todo todos label:string is_done:boolean

The default implementation uses the Table component and Streams. The following variation will generate an alternate template using the Data Table component (without Streams):

mix petal.gen.live Todos Todo todos label:string is_done:boolean --data-table

Add the routes from the output.

If you're wondering where to put the routes, you can search in the router file for the text "Add live authenticated routes here", and add them straight after that line.

def PetalProWeb.Router do

  scope "/", PetalProWeb do
    pipe_through [
    live_session :require_authenticated_user,
      on_mount: {PetalProWeb.UserOnMountHooks, :require_authenticated_user} do
      # Add live authenticated routes here
      live "/todos", TodoLive.Index, :index
      live "/todos/new", TodoLive.Index, :new
      live "/todos/:id/edit", TodoLive.Index, :edit
      live "/todos/:id", TodoLive.Show, :show
      live "/todos/:id/show/edit", TodoLive.Show, :edit

mix petal.gen.html

Same file output as phx.gen.html (docs), but uses Petal Components and a layout from Pro.


mix petal.gen.html Todos Todo todos label:string is_done:boolean

Last updated